Our Story

Sebastien entered the world at 26 weeks of gestation, perfectly formed and healthy to the delight of his mother, Audri Cabness. Upon his early arrival, he was intubated to help him breathe, and then placed in an incubator. Suddenly and without warning, he died three days later. His mother left the hospital childless and without an explanation for his death. Her search for answers led her down a long, heart-wrenching and eye-opening road- to find that her beautiful baby boy did not have to die. Since then, she has been determined to serve Sebastien in life and death, so that neither will have been in vain.

Sebastien and his mother shared brief and fleeting moments together, but her cooing, melodic voice brought his perfect, toothless smile, a smile that will be etched in her heart forever. These moments frozen in time live on in the hearts and minds of the parents, family, and friends left behind. This is why Audri created Sebastien’s Smile Foundation in her precious son’s memory- to help alleviate the pain of perinatal infant loss experienced by grieving parents worldwide.

Our Mission

Perinatal infant death is unfathomable, leaving parents questioning their ability, and sometimes their own right, to go on living. We, at Sebastien’s Smile Foundation, understand this. For that reason, we help parents experiencing perinatal infant loss access medical, legal, and public resources to help them begin the healing process. We do this by linking parents to the appropriate community resources available in DC, Maryland, Virginia (DMV), and beyond, at no cost, and by making small grants available to qualified organizations to provide grief counseling and bereavement-related services for affected families. We are particularly sensitive to the needs of asset-limited, income-constrained employed (ALICE) families, with or without health insurance.

Our Vision

Sebastien’s Smile Foundation seeks to engage with healthcare industry leaders and other community partners throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, as an educational resource to the community. Our goal is to collaborate with experts to disseminate scientific research findings on maternal and infant mortality in an effort to identify and reduce factors and implications related to perinatal death, particularly in communities of color.

Audri presents the SSF check for $2,500 to Marie-Hélène Owens, the 2023 Neonatal Nursing Scholarship recipient. 

Ms. Owens is completing her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) at the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSOM), with a focus on the weakest and most frail neonates. 

[Note: The search for nursing student applicants revealed that Nursing School undergraduates take generalist courses to earn their RN degrees; they do not specialize. For this reason, the scholarship was awarded to an advanced practice nursing student.]

Events Calendar

ACKNOWLEDGING The Perinatal Loss & Infant Death Alliance, PLIDA Conference. Contact sebastienssmile@gmail.com for more information about supporting a loved one in need today.

Jan. is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month


> Support For Fathers

> PSI Dad’s Chat with an expert on first Mondays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern

> Additional Father Resources available at:




March 2025

For information, resources, and support visit us at http://rtzhope.org. Support our nonprofit! Learn how you can donate, fundraise, or get involved at http://rtzhope.org/donate.

Anyone whose life has been touched by pregnancy or baby loss knows that it is a life-changing traumatic experience. While many providers that bereaved families encounter are compassionate and caring, unfortunately, that is not always the case. Sometimes how care is handled and family interactions in the healthcare system create additional traumas that complicate the already vulnerable grief they are experiencing. In this webinar, Catharine McDonald, MS, LPC, will look at different types of traumas and how they can be influenced by healthcare providers and situational complications. Lastly, she will explore how to be an empowered advocate for the care you deserve whether it’s anticipating a loss or navigating healthcare after a loss.

Return to Zero: HOPE is a non-profit organization working to transform the culture of silence and isolation around pregnancy and infant loss.

Our Vision: Every family experiencing pregnancy and infant loss will have access to resources, social support, and informed professional care to empower families to live a meaningful and hopeful life.

Our Mission: Return to Zero: HOPE is a non-profit organization engaging a global community of bereaved parents and their health providers to improve mental health outcomes, while also advancing pregnancy and infant loss awareness, education, and support.

International Perinatal Bereavement Conference (IPBC) 2024, The Drake, Chicago, Illinois, USA | eMedEvents

He Lost His Baby Too

This book is a testament to the importance of acknowledging and embracing the pain that accompanies such profound loss. By encouraging dads to surrender to their emotions and seek help, the book aims to initiate a ripple effect of healing that extends to all those affected by the loss.

"He Lost His Baby Too" provides a framework that empowers fathers to give themselves permission to grieve openly, fostering a sense of understanding and acceptance.

Recently published book, "He Lost His Baby Too: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Dad." Drawing from my own experiences as a grieving father who has navigated this challenging journey twice, I've crafted a powerful resource aimed at offering solace and support to fathers in their time of need..

Twilight Tea & Mimosas Scholarship Fundraising Event

We appreciate the support of all attendees at the Twilight Tea/Mimosas event and gratitude for all donors. We especially acknowledge the CPMG FOUNDATION, our event sponsor, for their very generous contribution

Thank you to everyone for joining us at Sebastien's Smile Foundation Golf Benefit. We want to recognize our event sponsors ($200+ higher), especially JAAC HEALTHCARE, Dr. Jacqueline Porter; Suzanne Payne, & others.

Sebastien's Smile Foundation Golf Benefit

2022 Grant Distribution--Aaliyah In Action

Pictured here from left to right is Jessica Correnti of The Tears Foundation/Maryland Chapter & Audri Cabness.

Pictured here from left to right is Audri Cabness and Elizabeth O'Donnell, the founder/CEO of Aaliyah In Action.

Scootietoots and the Feathers From Heaven: A Family Healing Book

Our Board Members

The Board of Sebastiens Smile Foundation Incorporated is compries citizens dedicated to improving the lives of families grieving the loss of an infant. Each member brings broad experience, unique vision and expertise to the Board. Each board member also envisions better maternal and infant birth outcomes, especially among women in marginalized communities.

Cori Jackson
Lili Shoulders

We are committed to the well-being of families in the healing process.